The information on my web site is offered as a general information.

I do not accept any liability for the information that is provided on my web site. For a legally binding opinion you have to become an official client of mine.

Although the web sites I have linked to have been chose with care, I do not take any responsibility for the content that is published on the web sites linked to my own web site.

In the past e-mails have not been received at all or have been received with a considerable delay of some days. Unless you receive a confirmation e-mail, do not expect that an e-mail has been received by my office and has been read. In cases with an immanent dead line please call the office to warn that you are about to send an important e-mail.

Receiving an e-mail from a new prospect client does not constitute automatically an attorney-client relationship. I am under no legal obligation to accept every body as a client. I am especially entitled to refuse a mandate, if the time is too short, or I am occupied with other client matter that hinders me to respond in an appropriate and professional manner to a new client. However, it is may personal goal to help in urgent cases as best as I can.

Unless explicitly agreed in advance, I do not accept service of official documents by e-mail.